Friday, February 22, 2013

One jar please

Given the cold conditions of the winter season, as it is difficult to hold a yard sale in the middle of a blizzard. I have been blessed with another way to give. The Lord revealed to me that since my children are now past the age of drinking from baby bottles, I now have plenty of plastic bottles and glass jars to fill with money. Money that can be given to those whom God reveals to me.
What would happen is I would receive a image; a vision of a person or a family who God would point out to me. That is the person Jesus wants me to financially bless. From that point on I would continue to drop any amount of money I could find into the jar. All money belongs to God; so whether it is the pennies I find in a parking lot to the occasional $20 or $50 bill that slips into my hand. All money that is deposited into that jar is intended to be given away to the person I saw in the vision. I wait until the bottle is full enough, enough to the point that it is difficult to open because it has so much inside it.
So far I have given one baby bottle and two jars of money to three recipients. The first bottle went to a family who is in the process of adopting two children from Haiti. The second jar went to a mother who adopted a troubled and abused little boy from foster care. The third and most recent jar went to a woman who is struggling out of poverty and had recently gone through extensive and costly surgery. 
The great thing about this is I cannot boast about the amount of money I gave. I have no idea. Only God knows.
The freedom I enjoy is the opportunity to be a cheerful giver.
Pray for more giving.

Monday, October 1, 2012

To Honduras

I would like to encourage my readers and ask all of you to be in prayer. I am very excited to tell you of my wife and her ambition to serve in a short term Mission Trip in Honduras, from December 1-8, 2012. Our home church here in Topeka, KS has partnered up with Living Water International, and our Body is sending a team of missionaries, both men and women, to work with the International ministry to provide sustainable drinking water for a community along the Caribbean side of Honduras.
As mentioned, our team will consist of a small group of women (of which my wife is included) to provide hygiene to the Hondurans.
To help raise funds, my wife has hand crafted a number of jewelry pieces to sell. And because I like selling to give, I am  posting and sharing her artwork on the Selling To Give Blog.

 Seafoam colors on silver.
Cha-Cha style. $15.00
I ask for you to pray, please be in prayer for our team and the efforts of Living Water International. I ask you to be in prayer for the people of Honduras, so that the compassion of Jesus would be revealed to them, and that the Hondurans would come to know the One Living and Loving God. And lastly, as you to consider purchasing any of these artworks  I ask for your prayers for both my wife and I be poured out wine and broken bread, so that we may be servants of Our Lord Jesus Christ.