Friday, February 22, 2013

One jar please

Given the cold conditions of the winter season, as it is difficult to hold a yard sale in the middle of a blizzard. I have been blessed with another way to give. The Lord revealed to me that since my children are now past the age of drinking from baby bottles, I now have plenty of plastic bottles and glass jars to fill with money. Money that can be given to those whom God reveals to me.
What would happen is I would receive a image; a vision of a person or a family who God would point out to me. That is the person Jesus wants me to financially bless. From that point on I would continue to drop any amount of money I could find into the jar. All money belongs to God; so whether it is the pennies I find in a parking lot to the occasional $20 or $50 bill that slips into my hand. All money that is deposited into that jar is intended to be given away to the person I saw in the vision. I wait until the bottle is full enough, enough to the point that it is difficult to open because it has so much inside it.
So far I have given one baby bottle and two jars of money to three recipients. The first bottle went to a family who is in the process of adopting two children from Haiti. The second jar went to a mother who adopted a troubled and abused little boy from foster care. The third and most recent jar went to a woman who is struggling out of poverty and had recently gone through extensive and costly surgery. 
The great thing about this is I cannot boast about the amount of money I gave. I have no idea. Only God knows.
The freedom I enjoy is the opportunity to be a cheerful giver.
Pray for more giving.