Saturday, May 26, 2012

Praying Knowing God's Will

When I made the decision not to serve in Chennai, India this summer I thought there would be a normal and common sense rationale as to why my donors would want their money back. As I made the choice not to go, I began contacting my contributors and I have to say I was a bit shocked at the answer I got from them. For the majority they have all told me plainly that they do not want a refund, and some have insisted that they have confidence that I will use the money for missionary work. There was only one exception, so far, one individual did tell me to tear up the check he gave me, but even after he said that he wanted to hear from me again when I get closer to finalizing our family mission trip to North East Africa.
North East Africa?
Yes, that is what I said.
I heard God say something to me while I was praying and contemplating this change of direction, afraid that my integrity would be in question, and that I would be viewed as someone who had his head in the clouds and didn't know what he wanted. I would resolve to be insistent about returning all the money donated to me and forget about going overseas all together,...and it was at this point God reminded me of His peace and the passion He has placed in my heart, that being: "the persecuted church and reaching Muslims with the message of the Christ."

God does not speak His will to us without also confirming His will in the circumstances and events in and around our lives. The Holy Spirit comforted me, in that, "there is a difference between that of praying if this thing is God's will, and praying knowing God's will."
Praying if something is God's will is waiting to see His confirmation about a matter we are not sure about.
Praying knowing God's will is praying with confidence because you have seen God's confirmation about these things in the past, and you see Him working in the present.
The people who are very close to me already know of my passion for the Muslim people, as they also are aware of my advocacy for the Persecuted Church.
When they heard of my choice not to go to India "the land of the Hindus", they were relieved and when they heard of my desire to serve in Africa they had a peace about it.
But these confirmations are not isolated to just the monetary blessings and the wisdom of my peers, my wife and I we see God working in our marriage about this as well.  While I have a passion to evangelize to the Muslim, both my wife and I have a desire to comfort the afflicted and the innocent. The Persecuted Church has a home in my wife's heart in that she has a passion to care for children.
It so happens that the indigenous pastors we know in the North East Region of Africa care for widows and orphans who have fled from neighboring countries escaping persecution. Families, often times single mothers with children who are now refugees who have no legal status to work, they have very little choice but to live in slum conditions combing through garbage, waste, and debris for food and items to sell.
The persecution by Radical Islam has only strengthened the reason for the Christians in the West to pray, advocate, visit, comfort and encourage the African Church.
This I firmly believe.

For the purpose of disclosure and accountability with my current and potential donors, I have expressed my desire to find a co-signer who will help me and my family oversee the funds intended for us to go serve in Africa. I have also designed a chart breaking down the financial giving made possible by living the virtues according to the Scriptures Matthew 19:21 and Luke 12:33-34, the passages that serve as the inspiration for this blog. This Pie Chart is a feature I would like to share twice a year, if not then quarterly about every three to four months.
This Chart reflects the financial giving made possible by my endeavor to sell material possessions and give the profits toward missionary efforts for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
This Chart shows the progress that has been made since January 2012 until now, so this would reflect the giving of about 5 months.
There were 6 different ministries I chose to give to:
1. Win All for Christ $56.97
2. A undisclosed adoptive family in my church $17.45
3. Our Family Mission Trip $104.50
4. Watch and Pray Ministries $35.78
5. Gospel for Asia $20.00
6. Voice of the Martyrs $7.50

Looking at this Chart what is evident is the intentionality of the financial giving toward the work being done in Africa, and looking ahead it is my desire to find out how can I give more? Whether it is through yard sales or auctions, I am excited to see how I can give more to what God is doing in the Arab African countries and keep less for myself.  I have also chosen to be more specific in who I give to, which has lead me to include Arabic Bible Outreach Ministry, a wonderful ministry that explicitly reaches out to our Muslim neighbors.

Now a figure that is different all together is the money that has been contributed by others, money I am not allowed to give, money that been intentionally given for the express purpose of sending our family to the African mission field is $726.00.

I want to leave you with an opportunity to buy something and help make a difference in the life of a Muslim, a Widow, and an Orphan. A wonderful friend of mine who has a godly talent for crocheting has made these beautiful hand made hats. She has graciously given them to me and has asked that the recommended price be about $10.00 a piece. Once I sell them I desire to split the profits four ways, for every hat sold I will give five dollars away:
Three dollars toward Watch and Pray Ministries, another dollar to Arabic Bible Outreach Ministry, and another dollar to an undisclosed adoptive family. The remaining five dollars of every sale will go toward our family mission trip.
As of right now we are praying and considering either serving in an orphanage in Ethiopia or Kenya. 

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