Sunday, February 19, 2012

Praise Report for February

Sold for $75.00
God had a purpose in helping me sell a chainsaw to donate to the work of evangelism and humanitarian support to this wonderful ministry in Tanzania. May the funds be used according to the Lord's direction.
(One half of the funds went to (WAC); and the remaining went toward fundraising to send Western Christians to help Word for the World Ministries in Chennai, India.

“Dear in Christ, Greetings from TANZANIA!
We were so blessed to receive support several times from Selling To Give. Several times as we have been receiving support through this blog, we have been able to reach by the word of GOD even to the unreached communities of Tanzania, assisting on starting up a Training Centre here at Arusha - Tanzania; and on our ongoing Vulnerable Children Sponsorship program that has got 508 needy children in the Northern Zone of Tanzania. Recently, we have received US$ 37.50 for the ongoing Mission work here in Tanzania, we are in use of that as for now so as to help on our Ministry programs, so we will share with others here how the present Donation has also come to uplift this Ministry in Tanzania. Many blessings to you all!

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