Friday, February 17, 2012

Theology Books for Sale

Thanks to a buyer I've had to
display more books to sell. I have been able to
cover the 10% commitment to help
send missionaries to India.
Thank you.
I am selling a number of Theological books from my library. Most of which are used, so I'm selling them for a dollar ($1.00) or two ($2.00) a piece. They would make great study material for students of the Bible, or for Sunday school teachers who want to brush up on their studies. Click here to view
If enough books are sold, the profits will be divided as accordingly in three separate percentages:
10% to the Voice of the Martyrs,
10% to the indigenous evangelical work of Win All for Christ,
and the remaining 10% will go toward fundraising for sending Western Christians overseas in Missions to do work with Word for the World Ministries in Chennai, India.

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