Monday, October 1, 2012

To Honduras

I would like to encourage my readers and ask all of you to be in prayer. I am very excited to tell you of my wife and her ambition to serve in a short term Mission Trip in Honduras, from December 1-8, 2012. Our home church here in Topeka, KS has partnered up with Living Water International, and our Body is sending a team of missionaries, both men and women, to work with the International ministry to provide sustainable drinking water for a community along the Caribbean side of Honduras.
As mentioned, our team will consist of a small group of women (of which my wife is included) to provide hygiene to the Hondurans.
To help raise funds, my wife has hand crafted a number of jewelry pieces to sell. And because I like selling to give, I am  posting and sharing her artwork on the Selling To Give Blog.

 Seafoam colors on silver.
Cha-Cha style. $15.00
I ask for you to pray, please be in prayer for our team and the efforts of Living Water International. I ask you to be in prayer for the people of Honduras, so that the compassion of Jesus would be revealed to them, and that the Hondurans would come to know the One Living and Loving God. And lastly, as you to consider purchasing any of these artworks  I ask for your prayers for both my wife and I be poured out wine and broken bread, so that we may be servants of Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Praise Report for August

This blog post serves as a continuation of the previous post Maybe that is all that is needed? As a huge debt of gratitude goes out to the families of our church who have cheerfully given clothes and kids toys to help raise funds, not only for the anticipated Mission trip to Africa. But also help raise financial support for indigenous pastors across North Africa and in Tanzania. My wife and I had an opportunity to sell much of these donated goods through Here We Grow Again, a consignment sale that caters to the needs and interests of families with small children. And as this current school year has already gotten underway, this was the best time to have on hand all the donated items we had. Once again, a sincere gratitude goes out to the local Body of Christ.
Through the earnings made by participating, a total $100.00 has been raised. $25.00 of which will be given to support the evangelical work of Arabic Bible Outreach Ministry. $20.00 will be designated to the work of the Topeka Rescue Mission. And a $10.00 amount will go to support an undisclosed adoptive family. The remaining $50.00 will help cover the costs of going to Africa.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Maybe that is all that is needed?

The Yard Sale to benefit Missions to Africa raised $56.72. And divided four separate ways to the Voice of the Martyrs, (WAC) Win All for Christ, Watch and Pray Ministries. And lastly, to help cover the cost of travel and serve in North Africa in the coming future, estimates to $14.18 evenly, give or take a penny.
Some might say, "Why don't you keep the money to cover the cost of going to Africa?"
My answer is, and always will be, "If I did that, I would miss out on giving."
$14.00 doesn't sound like much.
But maybe that is all it takes to get a Bible into someone's hands who has never read God's Word.
Maybe that is all the money that is needed to help an evangelist stay one more day to reach one more soul for Christ.
Maybe that is all that is needed for a Muslim to fall in love with Jesus.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Coca-Cola Limited Edition Figurine "Time For A Coke" featuring Emmet Kelly

Buyer agrees to pay for shipping 
Coca-Cola Limited Edition Figurine "Time For A Coke" featuring Emmett Kelly. Unused, undamaged (including handmade items). Original Reproduction. Looking to sell for $35.00. $10.00 of proceeds go to support the work of the Voice of the Martyrs. The remaining $25.00 help raise funds to serve in Africa with Watch and Pray Ministries. 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Praise Report for June

Praise God! The Lord has granted me with the sale of the Stampin' Up "Eat Chocolate" Rubber Stamps Set featuring (4) four different designs:
(1) "So Much Chocolate So Little Time"
(2) "To Do List: Eat Chocolate, Do Laundry, Clean Kitchen; At least you'll get one thing done today."
(3) "All you need in life is a friend who has chocolate. I'm that friend."
(4) "I would give up chocolate, but I'm not a quitter!"

I can now fulfill my promise and joyfully give $8.00 or 50% of the proceeds to support the evangelical work of Win All for Christ (WAC).
The remaining $8.00 goes to help funds for me to go serve in Africa.

Tornado Fan For Sale

Click here for more
In excellent condition, I bought this last year and only used it for a few months. Asking $15.00, half of proceeds go to support the evangelical work of Win All for Christ 

RoadPro (R) Tornado Fan
Model Number: RPSC-857-P
Voltage: 12V
Power: 48W/4Amps
Fuse: 10 Amps

Jesus bless you!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Praying Knowing God's Will

When I made the decision not to serve in Chennai, India this summer I thought there would be a normal and common sense rationale as to why my donors would want their money back. As I made the choice not to go, I began contacting my contributors and I have to say I was a bit shocked at the answer I got from them. For the majority they have all told me plainly that they do not want a refund, and some have insisted that they have confidence that I will use the money for missionary work. There was only one exception, so far, one individual did tell me to tear up the check he gave me, but even after he said that he wanted to hear from me again when I get closer to finalizing our family mission trip to North East Africa.
North East Africa?
Yes, that is what I said.
I heard God say something to me while I was praying and contemplating this change of direction, afraid that my integrity would be in question, and that I would be viewed as someone who had his head in the clouds and didn't know what he wanted. I would resolve to be insistent about returning all the money donated to me and forget about going overseas all together,...and it was at this point God reminded me of His peace and the passion He has placed in my heart, that being: "the persecuted church and reaching Muslims with the message of the Christ."

God does not speak His will to us without also confirming His will in the circumstances and events in and around our lives. The Holy Spirit comforted me, in that, "there is a difference between that of praying if this thing is God's will, and praying knowing God's will."
Praying if something is God's will is waiting to see His confirmation about a matter we are not sure about.
Praying knowing God's will is praying with confidence because you have seen God's confirmation about these things in the past, and you see Him working in the present.
The people who are very close to me already know of my passion for the Muslim people, as they also are aware of my advocacy for the Persecuted Church.
When they heard of my choice not to go to India "the land of the Hindus", they were relieved and when they heard of my desire to serve in Africa they had a peace about it.
But these confirmations are not isolated to just the monetary blessings and the wisdom of my peers, my wife and I we see God working in our marriage about this as well.  While I have a passion to evangelize to the Muslim, both my wife and I have a desire to comfort the afflicted and the innocent. The Persecuted Church has a home in my wife's heart in that she has a passion to care for children.
It so happens that the indigenous pastors we know in the North East Region of Africa care for widows and orphans who have fled from neighboring countries escaping persecution. Families, often times single mothers with children who are now refugees who have no legal status to work, they have very little choice but to live in slum conditions combing through garbage, waste, and debris for food and items to sell.
The persecution by Radical Islam has only strengthened the reason for the Christians in the West to pray, advocate, visit, comfort and encourage the African Church.
This I firmly believe.

For the purpose of disclosure and accountability with my current and potential donors, I have expressed my desire to find a co-signer who will help me and my family oversee the funds intended for us to go serve in Africa. I have also designed a chart breaking down the financial giving made possible by living the virtues according to the Scriptures Matthew 19:21 and Luke 12:33-34, the passages that serve as the inspiration for this blog. This Pie Chart is a feature I would like to share twice a year, if not then quarterly about every three to four months.
This Chart reflects the financial giving made possible by my endeavor to sell material possessions and give the profits toward missionary efforts for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
This Chart shows the progress that has been made since January 2012 until now, so this would reflect the giving of about 5 months.
There were 6 different ministries I chose to give to:
1. Win All for Christ $56.97
2. A undisclosed adoptive family in my church $17.45
3. Our Family Mission Trip $104.50
4. Watch and Pray Ministries $35.78
5. Gospel for Asia $20.00
6. Voice of the Martyrs $7.50

Looking at this Chart what is evident is the intentionality of the financial giving toward the work being done in Africa, and looking ahead it is my desire to find out how can I give more? Whether it is through yard sales or auctions, I am excited to see how I can give more to what God is doing in the Arab African countries and keep less for myself.  I have also chosen to be more specific in who I give to, which has lead me to include Arabic Bible Outreach Ministry, a wonderful ministry that explicitly reaches out to our Muslim neighbors.

Now a figure that is different all together is the money that has been contributed by others, money I am not allowed to give, money that been intentionally given for the express purpose of sending our family to the African mission field is $726.00.

I want to leave you with an opportunity to buy something and help make a difference in the life of a Muslim, a Widow, and an Orphan. A wonderful friend of mine who has a godly talent for crocheting has made these beautiful hand made hats. She has graciously given them to me and has asked that the recommended price be about $10.00 a piece. Once I sell them I desire to split the profits four ways, for every hat sold I will give five dollars away:
Three dollars toward Watch and Pray Ministries, another dollar to Arabic Bible Outreach Ministry, and another dollar to an undisclosed adoptive family. The remaining five dollars of every sale will go toward our family mission trip.
As of right now we are praying and considering either serving in an orphanage in Ethiopia or Kenya. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Praise Report for May

This is a photo of the soffit
on my front porch, I took
a nap while watching the
yard sale. I was peacefully
awakened by
the sounds of a family of
birds who have made their
home inside.
The Yard Sale today was nothing less than a test of faith, knowing that the time is closing for the finances necessary to travel to India is shortly upon me are due, I still hold to the belief that it is important to do these yard sales to benefit the giving to other ministries. With what I had to sell, God provided me with a profit of $21.80. Not bad.
My discernment told me to divide the profit three ways, $9.00 will go to the work of Win All for Christ in Tanzania, Africa. Another $9.00 will go toward my fundraising to travel to India. And the remaining $3.80 will be given to an undisclosed family in our church who is in the process of adopting.

In previous weeks as I have taken time out of my work schedule to set these yard sales up, while I have worked to raise money to give, the time taken away from  my employer has taken a toll on the paycheck that provides for my family. With finances being tight and no grocery budget, my wife asked if I would be willing to withdraw money from what I have saved toward the mission trip.
She did not ask me to take from the money others have donated to me.
If she said that she might as well be Job's wife. I would've told her, "God will provide another way."
Rather, she asked if I would be willing to take from the money I have earned from the yard sales.
I sat down with the receipts showing the donations others have either written checks or given cash to me, subtracting that from the total of what I have saved, I realized the math is never wrong, and that very little of my own money has gone toward this venture.
I knew that I would be sacrificing more of my own money, yes for the good cause of taking care of my family, but it also meant my further letting go of a dream.
I asked myself, "Would I be violating any agreement I prayerfully made with God if I transferred money from the intended purpose of serving in missions for the sake of feeding my family?
"And has this happened to anyone else?"
God's Holy Spirit reminded me of Matthew 6:11, "If you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father, which is in heaven give good things to them that ask Him?" And 1 Timothy 5:8, "But if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own household, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel."

And yes, this has happened before, to someone else.
I was reminded of Brother Andrew and what he calls, "The Game of the Royal Way."
as he recounts in his testimony in God's Smuggler:

"It was necessary for foreigners in Britain to renew their visas at periodic intervals. I had to have mine renewed by the thirty-first of December, 1954, or leave the country. But when that month rolled around, I did not have a cent to my name. How was I going to get the forms down to London? A registered letter cost one shilling - twelve pennies. I did not believe that God was going to let me be thrown out of school for the lack of a shilling.
And so the game moved into a new phase. I had a name for it by now. I called it the Game of the Royal Way. I had discovered that when God supplied money He did it in a kingly manner, not in some groveling way.
The last round in the game was the most subtle of all. It was December 30. I had to have my application in the mail that day if it was to get to London on the thirty-first.
At ten o'clock in the morning, one of the students shouted up the stairwell that I had a visitor. I ran down the stairs thinking that this must be my delivering angel. But when I saw who it was, my heart dropped. This visitor wasn't coming to bring me money, he was coming to ask for it. For it was Richard, a friend I had made months ago in the Patrick slums, a young man who came to the school occasionally when he just had to have cash.
With dragging feet I went outside. Richard stood on the white pebble walkway, hands in pockets, eyes lowered. "Andrew," he said, "would you be having a little extra cash? I'm hungry."
It lay among the pebbles, the sun glinting off it in just a way that I could see it but not Richard. I could tell from its color that it was a shilling. Instinctively I stuck out my foot and covered the coin with my toe. Then as Richard and I talked, I reached down and picked up the coin along with a handful of pebbles. I tossed the pebbles down one by one, aimlessly, until at last I had just the shilling in my hand. But even as I dropped the coin into my pocket, the battle began. That coin meant I could stay in school. I wouldn't be doing Richard a favor by giving it to him: he'd spend it on drink and be thirsty as ever in an hour.
While I was still thinking up excellent arguments,  I knew it was no good. How could I judge Richard when Christ told me so clearly that I must not. Furthermore, this was not the Royal Way! What right had an ambassador to hold on to money when another of the King's children stood in front of him saying he was hungry. I shoved my hand into my pocket and drew out the silver coin.
"Look, Richard," I said, "I do have this. Would it help any?"
Richard's eyes lit up. "It would, mate." He tossed the coin into the air and ran off down the hill. With a light heart that told me I had done the right thing, I turned to go back inside.
And before I reached the door the postman turned down our walk. In the mail of course was a letter for me. I knew when I saw Greetje's handwriting that it would be from the prayer group at Ringer's and that there would be cash inside. And there was. A lot of money: A pound and a half - thirty shillings. Far more than enough to send my letter, buy a large box of soap, treat myself to my favorite toothpaste - and buy Gillette Supers instead of Blues.
The game was over. The King had done it His way."
- God's Smuggler: 35th Anniversary Edition,
(c) 2001, pg. 75-76  

Knowing I did the right thing, of course. I became more aware that what funds I already have to go India are the result of the gifts of others, and this means I must trust God even more, because if this is His will, He will have to provide the rest His way.
The thought that this has gotten out of my hands has obviously been overshadowed by the reality that this was never in my hands to begin with.
And it suits well, perhaps it was I who was the one who was the most blessed today? The crisis to be further broken, to trust more in God. What shame is in that?

Another interesting thing I noticed today was while I was waiting for more people to pull off to the side of the road see what I have to sell. The times I had the Bible open, either sitting on my front porch or on the back of the tailgate of my pick up truck. I was reading from Ezekiel, those were the times people stopped by and bought something.

I look forward to doing another yard sale next month to benefit the giving to other ministries doing the work of Christ and His Great Commission.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Praise Report for April

A friend of mine paid $15.00 and bought the pair of Everlast Boxing Mitts I had posted earlier. I am happy to say that because of this sale I can give $7.50 to the work of Watch and Pray Ministries. The remaining half will help fundraise for an upcoming Missions Trip to India.

Friends, I ask that you would be in prayer for this Blog and the ministries that benefit from the financial giving from this site. Sales have been down recently, as I have had two yard sales that have not generated a lot of revenue. Revenue that I would gladly share with other worthwhile ministries.

I would also greatly appreciate your prayers for the financial support that I am still in need of, in order to commit to go and serve in Chennai, India this Summer.

As always,
May Jesus indeed bless you my friends! 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Praise Report for March

The Yard Sale today went very well as God had His Hand on it. I made it a point to also give free material through the Voice of the Martyrs (Special Issues from 2011 and “Blanket and Bible” trifold) to everyone who bought something.
It was God Who invited those who drove and stopped by to buy something. I had the opportunity to share about how the profits from the sale fundraise for an upcoming Missions Trip, and as well give to World Missions.
I also had the opportunity to share about the Gospel with a few individuals. One lady in particular is a neighbor of mine across the street and lives in a dysfunctional home life, making her home difficult to reach. But oddly enough, she out of her own volition chose to walk down the street, introduced herself, and actually bought much of what I had to put up.
At one point she even helped me hang clothes.
I told her about my desire to help pastors in other countries where being a Christian is illegal.
Later in the afternoon she came back to purchase more, and gave me a bag full of Bibles. I asked her, “Why are you giving me all these Bibles? Shouldn’t you read the Bible also?”
She wanted me to send those Bibles to those who have need of them.
She responded with her rough voice, “I got four Bibles of my own already.”
I told her, “The Word of God is timeless and it is good for me, and it is good for you.”
She said with a degree of annoyance, yet still with some appreciation, “I know. I know.”

It was God Who raised $54.62 in today’s sale!
And as I wish to keep my Covenant with God about raising the money to go on Missions, I will divide the profits the ministries as I promised. And I will keep a portion of the sales made today to put toward the trip to India.
I was able to sell the Enemie Skate Board, the same one I posted on Saturday, February 25. However, it only sold for $10.00, nevertheless as promised 100% of that money will go toward Gospel for Asia.
Another $10.47 will go to the work of Win All for Christ.
$13.65 will go help an undisclosed family in my home church as they are seeking to adopt.
This leaves me with $20.50 to raise funds on my travel to India.

As the Spring Season is just beginning, I wish to continue fundraising, not only for my benefit, but for other workers in the Kingdom. And I look forward to continue sharing the Gospel in my community.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hand Made Baby Blankets for Sale

A wonderful friend of mine hand crocheted three (3) baby blankets and gave them to me to sell to help fundraise for a Mission trip I am taking to India in July, 2012.
Out of respect for her request, I will look to sell these and put the profit toward the Mission trip. And I will not give a portion of the money to other ministries dear to me. As most of what I sell, I desire to give a percentage to other ministries and indigenous pastors who share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I am asking $20.00 a piece for the baby blankets. I took photos of them and felt them with my own hands, they are very soft and warm. They would make a great gift for a Baby Shower, or for any family expecting a new born.
Blankets measure about: 32" X 36".

This same friend made women's hats and sold them to help fundraise for a family in our church to adopt an orphan. I have one hat made by her that I would be willing to sell for $10.00.

I certainly hope to pass along the blessing that has been given to me.

Jesus bless you!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Chocolate Stamps for Sale

See more here.
Stampin' Up "Eat Chocolate" Rubber Stamps featuring (4) four different designs:
(1) "So Much Chocolate So Little Time"
(2) "To Do List: Eat Chocolate, Do Laundry, Clean Kitchen; At least you'll get one thing done today."
(3) "All you need in life is a friend who has chocolate. I'm that friend."
(4) "I would give up chocolate, but I'm not a quitter!"

In excellent condition, used rarely.
$8.00 or 50% of profit goes to support the evangelical work of Win All for Christ (WAC) .
The remaining $8.00 goes to help fundraise Western Christians to go serve in Chennai, India .

Star Wars Special Edition T-Shirt

Click here to see more. 
For the release of the Star Wars Movie Franchise, Episode IV, V, VI Digitally Remastered Special Editions. This T-Shirt was made available in participating movie theatres to theatre employees to wear.
This T-Shirt has never been worn.
Size XL.

On the Front: The Star Wars Logo with host of characters throughout the three featured movies.
On the Back: "Join The Celebration", "Star Wars, January 31, 1997", "The Empire Strikes Back, February 21, 1997", "Return of the Jedi, March 7, 1997."
$15.00 or 50% of sale will go to support the work of Watch and Pray Ministries.
$15.00 or 50% of sale will go to help fundraise to send Western Christians to serve in Word for the World Ministries in Chennai, India.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Two Men's Suits for Sale

To see more photos
click here
Two men's suits are available for sale, they are in excellent to new condition, rarely if ever worn. Seller is asking $30.00 a piece, (Seller is willing to sell one at a time). 33% of sale of each (about $10.00, if both are sold $20.00) will go toward the Voice of the Martryrs. The remaining 67% (about $40.00, or $20.00 each) will go toward fundraising to send Western Christian missionaries to help in Chennai, India.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Enemie Skate Board for Sale

31" Enemie Board. Vector Trucks. 52" Almost Brand Soft Wheels. Asking $20.00 Or Best Offer. 100% of Profit goes to support the Mission Work of Gospel for Asia . No shipping available for this item, seller would prefer to sell local. For more click here.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Praise Report from January

Sold for $75.00
God provided the opportunity to help me sell a set of Star Wars Special Edition Film Trailers through eBay. Though I regret not getting more profit from the sale, I am happy to say that the funds from the sale have provided donations to a number of ministries.
The Voice of the Martyrs received 10% ($7.50) of the sale price. Gospel for Asia received a little over 14% ($10.00). And Watch and Pray Ministries received a little over 27% ($28.28). The remaining amount, after eBay and PayPal fees leaves about 40% ($30.00) to fund and help cover the costs of sending Western Christians overseas to Chennai, India.       

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Praise Report for February

Sold for $75.00
God had a purpose in helping me sell a chainsaw to donate to the work of evangelism and humanitarian support to this wonderful ministry in Tanzania. May the funds be used according to the Lord's direction.
(One half of the funds went to (WAC); and the remaining went toward fundraising to send Western Christians to help Word for the World Ministries in Chennai, India.

“Dear in Christ, Greetings from TANZANIA!
We were so blessed to receive support several times from Selling To Give. Several times as we have been receiving support through this blog, we have been able to reach by the word of GOD even to the unreached communities of Tanzania, assisting on starting up a Training Centre here at Arusha - Tanzania; and on our ongoing Vulnerable Children Sponsorship program that has got 508 needy children in the Northern Zone of Tanzania. Recently, we have received US$ 37.50 for the ongoing Mission work here in Tanzania, we are in use of that as for now so as to help on our Ministry programs, so we will share with others here how the present Donation has also come to uplift this Ministry in Tanzania. Many blessings to you all!

Friday, February 17, 2012

125th Anniversary Coca Cola Contour Glass Bottle

This was a gift given to Coke employees commemorating the company's 125 years in existence. The glass bottle is the stylish contour glass Coke bottle blown up in the 1916 "Root" art glass form. I measured the dimensions of the bottle and here is the following:
The top rim (mouth) of the bottle is 1". The bulge in the middle is 10" in diameter. The bottom where the bottle sits is 2". Lastly, the bottle itself stands at 10". across the bottom rim is written the following:  "125 years"; "open happiness"; "May 8, 2011", and the bottle is embossed with the autograph of the Chairman and Ceo of Coca-Cola. To see the bottle click here. 40% of profit goes toward the Voice of the Martyrs. The remaining 60% goes to fund Western Christians to work overseas with Word for the World Ministries in Chennai, India.

Theology Books for Sale

Thanks to a buyer I've had to
display more books to sell. I have been able to
cover the 10% commitment to help
send missionaries to India.
Thank you.
I am selling a number of Theological books from my library. Most of which are used, so I'm selling them for a dollar ($1.00) or two ($2.00) a piece. They would make great study material for students of the Bible, or for Sunday school teachers who want to brush up on their studies. Click here to view
If enough books are sold, the profits will be divided as accordingly in three separate percentages:
10% to the Voice of the Martyrs,
10% to the indigenous evangelical work of Win All for Christ,
and the remaining 10% will go toward fundraising for sending Western Christians overseas in Missions to do work with Word for the World Ministries in Chennai, India.

Return of the Jedi 10th Anniversary Poster for Sale

I have a rare movie poster from the Star Wars film series that has been hand autographed by David Prowse who played Darth Vader. I have no idea what it is worth, but I have the feeling that it might be worth a lot of money. I have been trying to sell this piece for some time to raise funds toward mission work. If anyone knows of someone who would be willing to appraise it, and auction it, or just sell it off, I am looking to give 100% of the funds to the work of the Topeka Rescue Mission.

Return of the Jedi 10th Anniversary Poster (Image 39" X 25"; Poster 41" X 27"). Poster produced by Kilian Enterprises. Artwork by Drew Struzan. Limited to an Edition of 2,500. Autographed by David Prowse (Darth Vader) and Drew Struzan. Poster comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. Poster is in Excellent to Mint Condition.